29 December 2010

Keep it Fit. Keep it Fresh.

I scored big today on my lunch break. I ventured into Ross in search of a low priced can opener. You know, the old kind that leaves you vulnerable to cuts from the sharp edge of the lid. I found one for $5.99 and was on my way out the aisle when I spotted the most awesome buy!

I've been wanting a bento box from laptop lunches for quite some time now. The only problem is that I could not justify spending $24 on a colorful grown-up lunch box. Eco-friendly and portion-controlled they may be, but affordable they are not.

So I was walking down the aisle and spotted this:

The two little containers for fruits and veggies in the front sit just perfectly over the ice pack and the whole things snaps together and stays cool. You can buy these online at fit-fresh.com for $9.99, but found them at Ross for $6.99 a piece.

John and I now have awesome, Asian-inspired  lunch boxes and our bodies will thank us. It's another brick in our wall of health and sustainability!