25 April 2011

Weekend Update| April 25, 2011

Easter flowers...

 Good morning, everyone! Did you guys have a good Easter weekend? If you had kids around I have no doubts that you are still recovering from the sugar-induced high that plagued your Sunday. We didn't have Easter candy laying around, but we did have three very capable women cooking in the kitchen all weekend so... I'm still plump with my food baby.

John and I had a really wonderful time hanging out with family and friends down on the coast of Florida. It is rare to have us all together and we ate up every moment of it. Even my grandma was in town! She just moved down to Vero Beach from North Carolina so she was able to celebrate with  us too. Any of you who have followed this blog for some time know that my grandma is one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world.

Located on 14th Ave. in Downtown Vero Beach, FL.

Saturday morning my mom, grandma, and I went out for a girly breakfast and some shopping around local consignment stores. This little bistro was quite fun. It's an Italian place with yummy dishes like mascarpone and ricotta crepes. The inside was very pretty with antique chandeliers and pretty juice glasses. Here's a couple pictures of the meal...

Natalie's Orange Juice

Blueberry Waffles...cooked to perfection.

Ok, so they served fun things like mascarpone crepes, but sometimes a waffle just hits the spot! When I go back I promise to report on something more unique and conducive to a post on fine Italian breakfasts. The orange juice is amazing and a Vero Beach classic. They grow, squeeze, and sell from our town and is a must have if you are ever in the area. I think we can find the brand at selective stores here in Orlando, but I feel like the Vero version is fresher.

Little J enjoying her mini-beach chair.

Ok, so I know I'm partial because she's my niece, but isn't she they cutest thing ever?! I had so much fun hanging out with little jujubee, as we call her. She is such a sweet natured baby and barely fusses at all. The last time we saw her she was about 6 months old. It's so cool to see her at 11 months and watch as she holds herself up and tries to take a couple steps on her own. Her mother, my sister, is also doing well. I hope I can be at least half the mom she is. Brittney, if you're reading, know that you are a wonderful mother!

Millie giving kisses.

Saturday afternoon we had some killer pool time! I got so many great pictures...far too many to post here. The water was freezing but she didn't seem to notice and splashed around with us for about 30 minutes. When we got out, our water-loving lab dove in to show us her dock-dog tricks. Jujubee was enamored with the dog, watching her like a hawk as she dove in and retrieved. Millie was enamored with her also, stopping by frequently for kisses.

Saturday night we had a big fish fry! My brother had gone fishing last week and caught a ton of fish in the river. So, my family did what any other family from the south would do, host a huge fish fry! I don't want to give away too much at this point. I have a "Southern Fish Fry" post coming soon! :)

David- The grill-master general.

Sunday morning we all went to church and then came home for a big grill out with family friends. David, my step-dad, was the grill-master and cooked up some great "burgs" to go with all the goodies the ladies cooked up...potato salad, fruit salad, salsa, deviled eggs, and sweet and sour wings. John, on his own, prepared the "Oh, I really shouldn't" Ice Cream Pie for dessert. My man is becoming a chef! It won't be long before I don't have to lift a finger at home. ;-)

The "kids"
Here's all us "kids." It's crazy to think that not long ago our table needed supervision and sippy cups. Now we're grown and bringing home spouses and talking about our jobs. It's weird. From left: CJ, my brother; Maggie and Trevor, Chinese students from UCF that moved to Vero and were "adopted" by my family; John and I; Nate, our "brother from another mother" that we grew up with since we were babies.

All in all, I'd say it was the best Easter I've had in years! And I can't wait for the next excuse to get everyone together over a meal. I hope that you all had a great weekend also...I'm sure I'll be reading about them as I stalk around the blog world today.  :)

What was the highlight of your Easter weekend?