04 November 2011

Anniversary Gift Round Up

Hello Culture Connoisseur, friends!!  I'm Tamra from the lifestyle blog, walks with Bella, and I'm so excited to be filling in for Hannah while she is off enjoying a romantic cruise with her mr celebrating their anniversary.  What an incredible way to celebrate their first year of marriage!!!

My hubs, mfs, and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary just a few weeks ago.  We enjoyed our 365 day old cake, had brunch on the rooftop our reception was held at, and started some new traditions.  You can read about our anniversary HERE.  In the days leading up to your anniversary, I scrolled through pinterest and my favorite blogs in search of inspiration for wedding anniversary traditions and gifts.  
Allow me to share a little round up of those innovative ideas and then come check out my blog and take a walk with Bella. :)

For the wine lovers. 

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For the love birds.

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For the coffee lovers.
Custom Wedding Anniversary Art Print - Whole Latte Love - 8 x 10 Romantic Illustration Print

For the couch snugglers.
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For the bicycle lovers.
Tandem Bicycle Art Print For Wedding, Anniversary, And Couples In Love

For the foodies.
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