01 November 2011

If I Were On a Cruise...

Hello Hannah's lovely readers! My name is Gentri and I blog over at Gentri Lee. I am so excited to be guest posting here today while Miss Hannah is off enjoying herself on a cruise. Want to know something? I've never been on a cruise... I've never even seen a cruise ship in person! Is that a crime?

Since I've never been on a cruise I thought I'd take this post to show you where and what I would experience if I ever had the opportunity to go...

Places I'd Like to Go:

1. Alaska
I've been to Alaska a few times and I absolutely love it! So amazing. I think a cruise there would be such a wonderful experience and such a refreshing trip.

                                                                          Source: une-deuxsenses.blogspot.com via Astrid on Pinterest

2. Northern Europe
Countries like Norway, Germany, and England have ALWAYS topped my travel list. It would be a dream come true to be able to experience them all on a cruise.

                                                                            Source: 26.media.tumblr.com via Gentri on Pinterest

3. Southern Europe
I've heard wonderful things about these cruises... Oh to actually go... Italy? Greece? Mmmmm.

                                                                                       Source: weheartit.com via Gentri on Pinterest

4. Caribbean
Warm and relaxing. What more could you ask for??

                                                                                            Source: carnival.com via Christin on Pinterest

5. World Cruise
OF COURSE this would top my list. How would it be to spend 6 months cruising around the entire world?! This is definitely a goal of mine...

                                                                     Source: ashlemieux.blogspot.com via Gentri on Pinterest

Now, I've heard about ALL the wonderful things people do while on their cruise. Here are the things I would be looking forward to the most...

1. Swimming with Dolphins
Of course swimming in general. But to swim with dolphins is something I've always wanted to do!

                                                                                Source: myworldhandbook.com via Kim on Pinterest

2. Attend a Formal Dinner
What fun to get all dressed up for a night and be treated like royalty! Yes please!
                                                                              Source: greigedesign.blogspot.com via Elizabeth on Pinterest

3. Constant Entertainment
Shows every night?! I would be in Heaven. Pretty sure Disney would provide the best entertainment.

                                                                   Source: sn119w.snt119.mail.live.com via Julianna on Pinterest

4. All You Can Eat
Oh yes... I've heard allll about the food...

                                                                                   Source: google.com via Samantha on Pinterest

5. Shopping
Last but DEFINITELY not least. I would shop until I dropped (or ran out of money, which ever came first)! I am a sucker for souvenirs and love being able to take home a piece of my trip.

                                                                           Source: marthastewart.com via Charity on Pinterest

aaaaaw. Did we all enjoy our little cruise?? I sure did! I just hope one day to make any of this a reality. :)

Thank you ladies (and gents?) for reading today! I'd love for you all to hop on over and visit me at my normal spot- Gentri Lee. And THANK YOU Hannah for letting me guest post! I hope your cruise is wonderful and I can't wait to hear all about it! :)
