31 March 2011

Travel Junkies Need Their Fix, Pt. 1

Summer is almost here and I trust that most of you will be off to somewhere far and away. At least I hope so! I wish I could say as much for myself. I have no travel plans until November when John and I are heading to Mexico on an anniversary cruise. I take that back, I'll be heading to Miami in June to help out with a conference for summer mission trips. I live in Florida though...can Miami count?

In preparation for all the summer globe-trotting I thought I'd post some travel favorites. I have a confession, though this may come as no surprise- I am not a fashionable traveler. I pack for comfort, I pack for roughing it, and I like it that way. Heels are no where to be found in my luggage and handbags are usually out of the question. I did my best to find some pieces here that I felt were both reasonable and fashionable...but reason and fashion rarely go together, no?

Up first in this series...


I hate checking luggage. And I whole-heartedly believe that doing so is unnecessary. I pack the same amount whether I'm going somewhere for one week or 3 months and it all fits in one piece of carry-on luggage and one backpack.

I love this Anne Klein hard case luggage. Not only because it is my favorite color, but because it's carry-on, rolls 360s and has a harder shell to prevent busted luggage. You can purchase it here.

This is my all-time favorite hiking pack. I've owned others that failed miserably, but this one has stood the test of time and even though I try, I can barely put a dent in it. It fits quite well on a woman or man and the back is breathable. I was able to fit absolutely everything I needed with space to spare. Purchase here.
I have owned this bag for nearly 7 years, and it doesn't have a rip or scratch on it. This little day pack is great because it goes over the shoulders and helps balance the weight on your body if you're going to be on your feet all day. It is also a little more theft-proof since it's much more difficult to pull a pack from across your chest than it is to snatch a purse from off your arm. It is certainly not the most fashionable bag ever, but it's not ugly either. It's just boring and unnoticeable. I like that about it. Purchase here.
I want this. I need it in my collection. I You can purchase it here on Etsy from a shop called Infusion. I like the old fashioned look of it. I feel like I need a cane fishing pole to carry around while I wear this. It would do great overseas while on a day trip or a long ride train ride.
Next up in the Travel Junkies Need Their Fix series- Accessories!
Is there any travel pack you can't live without?