21 April 2011

Homegrown Tomaters

Ready for pickin'.

Guess what?! We harvested our first homegrown tomater last night! I can't begin to tell you how great it felt to eat something you grew with a little water and sunshine. It tasted like a rainbow (but not at all like skittles.)

We have two other tomatoes starting to turn and about 10 green ones that are still growing. The plant will have paid for itself once we eat two more! We are so excited about saving money, eating healthy (they are all organic) and getting in touch with our agricultural ancestry!

My red bell pepper is finally starting to turn red which means I'll be frying that up in a fajita before I know it. Seriously, if you haven't ever considered doing a little container veggie garden I highly recommend doing so. It's fun and helps save money! And you know exactly what you putting in your body...no chemicals here, just that which mother nature intended! (For start up ideas check out Urban Organic Gardener.)

Juicy and flavorful.


Also, sweet sweet Selma at Crazy Little World of Mine awarded me the Stylish blogger award. My response is the same as hers, "I'm stylish?" I propose that my blog is definitely stylish, but its blogger, not so much. Either way, I sincerely appreciate you thinking of me, Selma, and think you are wildly stylish as well! If you haven't checked out her blog be sure too, it's great! (And it will make you giggle.)

Link back, tell 7 things, pass it on!

I have already mentioned 7 things about me in this post, but am happy to dig around my brain for 7 more. I'm trying to go real deep this time around...

1. Two things I will never understand or accept about the world and the people in it is racism and the need for war.

2. I failed the 2nd grade and was held back a year. I graduated high school at age 19...a good two years older than most my peers.

3. My biggest struggle in my faith is how a good God can let bad things happen. But through the years I've watched him turn every heartache I've had into strength and song. The more heartache the less I struggle with the issue.

4. I have re-occurring dreams that I try to speak and I can't because my mouth is full of cement. I've been told that this could be my subconscious dealing with the frustration of not being heard or being talked over. (I have a small voice that just doesn't reach very far.)

5. In the midst of crisis my first instinct is fight not flight. When I go into fight mode the most obscene things come out of my mouth without thinking so that I can be domineering despite my small physical stature.

6. When I'm in my home I don't like to wear a whole lot of clothing. My roommates would find me walking through the house naked, or almost, a number of times...this always resulted in a lot of laughter and a code that we would scream when bringing guests home so none of us would be caught in our skivvies.  "Peacocks, put on your feathers!"

7. My favorite past-time is people watching.

Check out these stylish bloggers... 

Terri at Try Anything Once
Elizabeth at Orange and Cloves
Brissa at Half and Half
Laura at Taylor Tales
Ruth at Cafe au Lait + Honey