19 September 2011

Weekend Update| September 19, 2011

Well, this past week two of my very best friends got engaged. Love is in the air and it isn't even springtime! I'm so excited for both of them and can't wait to see how their beautiful wedding plans unravel. I know that both of them have many many happy years ahead of them with the good men they've snagged.

Becky and her rocks. :)

Kayla and her rocks (and her fiance Sheriffe).

Saturday morning I had breakfast with Becky. She asked me to be her matron of honor and I, of course, said yes. Only, it took me a second to realize what she was asking. Why the heck am I a matron? OH YEAH, I'm married now which apparently makes me matronly. #Ifeelold

We had a great time talking wedding stuff and eating bagels and cream cheese at our traditional breakfast date spot- Panera.

John was helping some of our friends moved to I went ahead and tackled all the grocery shopping. Check out all the produce I got at our local produce market...

Only $31!!!

Saturday night we had our friends Caitlin and Ben over for dinner. They are also vegan and we had a great time talking about our experience going vegan last week. A lot of the conversation centered around poop. But trust me, if you try veganism that's a great topic of conversation. I know you're thinking, "Hannah, it may be a good conversation to have with other vegans, but not with your blog friends..." Ok, I get it.

Vegan Diet Update: We have been meat and dairy free for a week now. Last week John had ZERO heartburn, except for one day when we went out with friends and got a beef schwarma. So far the diet seems to be helping and meat seems to be the heartburn culprit.

Sunday we went to Beachside church (a.k.a. we skipped out on church and went to the beach instead.) It was so much fun, we went with some friends and I enjoyed talking with my friend Laura while all the guys tried their hand at surfing.

The rest of the day was spent napping, doing homework, and packing. Yup, we found a new place to live and will be moving on October 8th. More on that (with pics!) later on this week!

Question of the Day:
What did YOU do this weekend?
Do you buy your produce at a chain store or a produce stand or farmer's market?