08 November 2011

Totally Awesome Tunes Tuesday

Good day dear friends!

It has been many a moon since I shared some of my favorite music with you all. It is something I used to do quite frequently, but forgot all about until last night when I remembered some great tunes on my iPod and took a little trip down the memory lane of my favorite artists. It dawned on me that not everyone may be aware of their awesomeness, and it was my duty to share them with the world! Here's some of my all-time favorites through the years (click on the link under the picture to listen):

Revelate by The Frames

Everything is Free by Gillian Welch

Oslo in the Summertime by Of Montreal

One Fine Day by John Darnielle

Whiskey in the Jar by Thin Lizzy

The Greatest by Cat Power

Sari by Nellie McKay

Send me a song (a picture of the band/artist and link to the song on YouTube) to culture_connoisseur(at)yahoo(dot)com and I'll pick my faves and post next week on Totally Awesome Tunes Tuesday! 

The theme for this week is sad songs. So pick your favorite tunes to cry over and send them my way!