08 July 2011


Via Don Kitwood

 Thanks to Carole of Mademoiselle Poirot, I now know what a "Pearly" is! I couldn't wait to share it with all of you following here. You all know how jacked up I get about culture! And now, a little gem from England...

Pearlies, or Pearly Kings and Queens, are kind of the English equivalent to the bell-ringing Santa in America (only, I assume they work year-round.) They are a charitable organization that work the streets asking for money to go toward a good cause.

Apparently, it all started with a young street sweeper who begged for charity. He started adding pearls to his clothes in order to draw attention to himself and generate more revenue for local charities. Fast forward about a hundred years and you still have a thriving organization of do-gooders helping support a local cause.

Have you ever seen a Pearly King or Queen in your travels to England?