01 September 2011

GIVEAWAY- Subscription to Cooking Light Magazine

                                                                            Source: frenchbydesign.blogspot.com via Hannah on Pinterest

Woo hoo! Yesterday my little bloggy hit 200 followers! I can't even begin to express my thanks to each of you for connecting with me here and "doing life" with me, even if it is on the web. All of your comments have been so uplifting and encouraging and even help me to achieve some goals I have set for myself.

If it wasn't for each one of you I probably would have stopped blogging months ago, and my passion for it may have fizzled out. Instead I keep on writing, because I know that in doing so I will continue to learn and grow from all of your responses and the experiences you share from your own life here. I really am grateful, and look forward to the future and my time here with you.

In the words of Buzz from Home Alone..."Ok, that's enough sh....ow of emotion. Let's open some presents!!!"

This giveaway will be the giveaway that keeps on giving. I would like to give one of my dear readers a year subscription to Cooking Light Magazine (my personal favorite). This magazine has tons of healthy and delicious recipes, tips for living a healthy lifestyle and even some beauty and fashion stuff as well.

To enter the giveaway: 
You must be a follower of this blog through GFC. 
To enter, just leave a comment below. :) 

This giveaway will close at midnight, next Thursday, Sept 8th, 2011.