Who's that gliding over the still waters of Orlando and soaking up the warm Florida sunshine, you might ask?
Man, she's living the life, and look at that tan! Well...

It's me! And I am enjoying the Florida outdoors and every day I "live the life." I love my life! And taking time to slow down and enjoy my surroundings helps to remind me of that fact. I do have to dispel one myth, though. Though I am tanner than most northerners, I think my photo editing program may have made my legs a wee bit tanner than they really are. And they look a little too orange. I swear on a seagull that I do not use self-tanners. Honestly, I don't.
Last Saturday morning we went out in our friends kayaks again. This time we kind of went out separate ways and enjoyed some quite time out on the lake. About 30 minutes in I discovered this little love nest of Sandhill Cranes. Above is the daddy, very protective. I thought it might come pluck out my eyeballs at any second while I snapped this with my phone.
He had every right to be protective. When his wifey got up off the nest I found this little guy!
Isn't nature amazing? They're just a couple of birds, working together against the wild frontier to bring a little baby bird into the world. It was the perfect gift for my morning, and one of the highlights of my kayaking time.
The other was when I stopped rowing, plopped my legs up on my boat and let myself drift away for a while. The gentle rocking, the cool breeze, and the squawking of seagulls above made for the perfect start to my day.
Question of the Day:
What kinds of things make you slow down and enjoy life?