31 August 2011

We Are All Connected

Good morning, everyone. I saw this video over on Four Leaf Clover yesterday and really loved it. And even though I'm not a huge "I am connected with this tree" kind of person, I wholeheartedly believe that what we do, and the choices we make will have either a positive or negative effect on others, and our environment. Check it out, it's less than a minute long...

I thought this video and the idea that we are all connected also had special meaning today because I really feel like that applies to the blogging world as well. Everything I read, every post that encourages or inspires influences what I write here on the blog. So many of you put out a lot of creative, positive, and hopeful energies out into the web, and as I take them all in they morph into their own new thing here in my little blog space. Cool, huh?

Yesterday, the lovely lady writing at My Beautiful Life connected to me in a very sweet way- by awarding me and some others the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks you so much, I'm honored! I connected with My Beautiful Life months and months ago...we connected over a mutual passion for watching Rick Steves' videos and a love for travel. She's really a lovely blogger and truely a versatile blogger!

To receive the award one must share 7 things about them...easy enough, right?...

1. My middle name is Neva. Which is my grandma's name. My mother's name is Aven, that's Neva spelled backwards. So I kind of got a two for one with my middle name.

2. I wear the same black running shorts and pink wicking tee every single Saturday because it is comfortable.  When PMSing, I frequently cry about this fact because I feel like I've lost all my young spunk and sexiness.

3. I have too many moles and freckles to count. We did count 61 just on my back! But I love them. They make make my body completely different than anyone elses, and I love how they look on my back and shoulders. I only have 2 ugly ones, and I wish I could get them removed.

4) I add chocolate chips to my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

5) I hate brushing my teeth. But I do it anyways, twice a day. But if there was one thing I could not do and get away with it...that would be it.

6) I worked in a dry cleaners for close to six years and it was the best job I ever had. If it didn't pay so little I would still be doing it. It's my dream job.

7) This morning I'm drinking a smoothie that looks like this...
...but it tastes like the berries in Captain Crunch Berries cereal.

In addition to my facts, I am supposed to pass it on to 15 other bloggers. Since I like to break the rules and I want the award to be even more special, I want to pass it on to 5....

1. Four Leaf Clover- for posting so many cool things (like that video) and sharing your heart for animals and the environment. You are so cool.

2. Vanisha's Life in Fiji- for posting beautiful pictures of Fiji and having a heart thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big for kids and education!

3. Amy Around the Corner- for posting about anything under the sun, being real and genuine, and accomplishing your goals.

4. Alkeemi- for posting awesome pictures and posts about Indian culture and design. I LOVE IT!

5. Half & Half- for making me laugh out loud (literally) every time I read your blog.